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Lee Jones Winning Low Limit Hold Em

This is one of the most well known and best books for people who are going to play low limit hold 'em poker. Lee Jones walks the reader through the basics of why low limit hold 'em plays differently than middle and higher limit games, how to play hold 'em poker and lots of examples of what cards to play and how to play them. The book is broken into three sections:

Lee jones winning low limit hold em

Section I: The Game

The game of Low-limit holdem is so characteristically different from even middle limit or high limit and this book is designed for specifically low limit games. I really enjoy how Lee Jones not only tells you what move is the best move, but he many times will explain why this is the best move. Lee Jones is an online poker executive and the author of Winning Low-Limit Hold 'em. In 2019, Lee partnered with Tommy Angelo to create the video series called PokerSimple. He also contributes a monthly column to Bluff Magazine.

Here we are introduced to the game of hold 'em. The basic rules of the game, reading the board, odds, pot odds, and implied odds, and identifying the type (loose, tight, passive, aggressive) of game you are joining. If you are new to hold 'em this section is a great introduction (and a good primer to understanding the information we provide on this site).

Section II: Play of the Hand from Deal to Showdown

This is the meat and potatoes of the book, where lots of good information and advice is given about playing in a loose game, from pre-flop card selection through every betting round. Not only does the author cover what sorts of cards you should play and what position you should play them in, but he covers post-flop topics like how to play a flopped set, a made straight, draws, big pairs and many other examples from pre-flop to river.

Mr. Jones breaks cards into 4 categories: Pocket Pairs, Connectors, Suited Aces and Kings, and Big Cards, subsequent sections include what subsets of these 4 categories to play in which situations taking into consideration your absolute position (nearness to the dealer button) and relative position to other players (those that are especially aggressive or especially passive). He makes the very good point that although position isn't quite as important as it is in middle and high limit games it still plays an often underestimated role in the quantity of money you win or lose with a particular hand.

About the only advice we take exception to is his suggestion to raise only with AA, KK and AKs in early position. If you play this way you are giving way too much information about your hand and your opponents will pick up on this. Yes, you are still the favorite vs. any one of them to win with AA but there's no need to broadcast the fact that you have it--you'll only cost yourself money in the later betting rounds from people like AJo when the high card is a jack on the board. You should always be thinking about what kind of hands you want to force out and what kind of hands you want to keep in when you raise. With AA you should be quite happy to have A5 and A7 join you for a few betting rounds!

Section III: Miscellaneous Topics

Player stereotypes, bluffing and implicit collusion and playing in spread limit and jackpot games are discussed in this section. Overall there are some interesting pieces of information in this section, but by far the best reason to buy the book is the densely packed Section II where you'll find several hundred dollars of excellent advice in this $20 book.


Winning Low Limit Hold 'Em by Lee Jones is literally worth its weight in gold for beginning players and even for experienced players who are not used to playing in loose/passive and loose/aggressive games. A must-have for anyone who plays low limit hold 'em.

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My name is Lee and I've been playing poker for 35 years. I wrote a book called Winning Low Limit Hold’em back in the ‘90s. After many wonderful years at PokerStars, I’m happy to report that I am no longer working for the Man. No surprise, my love affair with poker is raging. I’m playing, writing, and coaching, every chance I get. I am excited to see what comes next in this adventure.

Please have a look around and drop me a note. I will always write back.

By the way, if you want to read my occasional thoughts about non-poker topics, hop over to Rose's Guitar. I'll talk about anything but poker there.

Thanks, Lee

They Said It, I Didn't

I'm not sure there's anybody that loves poker as much as Lee Jones does.


-- Jason Somerville

After 30 years in the business, Lee Jones understands poker as few other people do. The game is better for him being part of it.

-- Matt Savage

Winning Low Limit Hold'em is no longer the worst book about limit hold'em.

-- Mason Malmuth

You Got Questions?

Q: Are you the PokerStars Lee Jones?

Lee Jones Winning Low Limit Hold Em

A: I was, but now I'm just Lee Jones.

Lee jones winning low limit hold em

Q: Have you written a best-selling poker book?


A: Yes. It's called Winning Low-Limit Hold'em.

Q: Have you written hundreds of articles for various poker publications?

A: So glad you asked; the answer is yes.

Lee Jones Winning Low Limit Hold Em

Q: Do you coach poker?

A: Yes, I love coaching poker players. If you'd like a free consultation to see if my coaching might be right for you, click here.

Lee Jones Winning Low Limit Hold'em

Q: Do you play poker?

Lee Jones Winning Low Limit Hold'em Pdf

A: Does a bear poop in the woods? I play poker every chance I get, at casinos and home games. I play no-limit hold'em, pot-limit Omaha, stud eight-or better, etc. People ask me what my favorite poker game is - it's whatever they're dealing.